
This blog is all about showing college students a delicious and easy alternative to eating at the cafeteria. Let me stress that you do not have to be a cook to use this site! As long as you can chop onions and know when something is burning, you should be able to do every recipe I put on this site. Also, feel free to post your own recipes of dishes you have created or learned that you think would be a good addition to a college student's diet.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stuffed Mushrooms (appetizer 2-6 people)

My sister makes these and they are delicious. Awesome for appetizers, especially at a southwestern style dinner. Sorry for the absence of pictures, for some reason my computer did not load them properly. I will fix that soon.

-12 small portobello mushrooms
- Vegetable oil
- Tbs of minced garlic
- 1 package of cream cheese
- Ground pepper
- An onion
- Cayenne pepper powder
- Parmesan cheese

Step one: Ok, for this one we need an oven, so hopefully you have access to one somewhere on campus. Also, you are going to need a baking tray and a some cooking spray. First thing to do is preheat the oven at around 350-375 degrees.

Step two: Clean the mushrooms and cut out the stems so that they become like small edible bowls.

Step three: Dice up a half of an onion and stir fry it with the garlic on the Presto Skillet (or normal skillet for those with that option). Remember to add the garlic a couple minutes after the onions since garlic burns quicker.

Step four: Take the garlic and onion off the skillet, and mix it with the black pepper, cayenne pepper, cream cheese, and a little bit of parmesan.

Step five: Put a spoonful or two of the mixture into each of the portobello bowls.

Step six: Put the stuffed bowls on the tray (after you've sprayed the tray) and bake them in the oven for 15-20 minutes. They should be ready when the mixture becomes slightly browned on the outside.

Next, take them out, prepare them all nice and tidy-like, and enjoy the delicious gourmet dish.

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